Your workers have rights

As a contractor, you are well aware of the fact that your workers have rights, and you do everything you can to make sure they are safe, content, and productive on the job. OSHA, the administration responsible for making sure working men and women have access to safe working conditions, has compiled a list of […]

Take a moment to celebrate EMS practitioners this month

[caption id="attachment_292" align="alignright" width="300"] 50448767 – star of life icon. flat design. isolated.[/caption] Did you know National EMS Week is celebrated every year during the third week of May? Since that’s right around the corner, we wanted to take a moment on our blog and shine a spotlight on EMS practitioners and showcase why they […]

Why working with a local company matters

Everyone has heard the phases “shop small” and “shop local” and the concept behind this urging makes total sense. If you are able, isn’t it better to support people that actually live in your community versus a large corporation who might not be able to pinpoint your town on a map? Most people would agree […]