There are a number reasons why shoring is important; employee safety is at the top. When you think of trenches, you may imagine a bunch of soldiers huddled together but that’s not the only thing trenches are used for. Trenches are actually used much more frequently in construction. In construction, the excavation of earth is … Read more

Having a competent person on an excavation site helps ensure employee safety at all times. When a company requires excavation work on a job site, OSHA mandates that a competent person be there to ensure that the requirements for the OSHA standard are being met. This is necessary to ensure employee safety. What is a … Read more

It’s important to regularly review the safety regulations that apply to you and your crew. Construction crews have to be extremely mindful of OSHA regulations in order to avoid safety violations and fines. We all know that, right? Well, it turns out, it might be a little more complex than it may seem. As this … Read more

Shoring Equipment St. Louis

We want to help you improve your job site with the right shoring equipment. Whether you’re part of a new company that’s just starting to acquire their own equipment, or you’re a contractor who doesn’t often utilize shoring and trench shielding equipment for your jobs, not everyone has access to this specialized equipment. It is … Read more

Trench Plates - Steel Road Plates

If you’ve gone through competent person training, you likely have heard about the different categories that OSHA has come up with to classify soil on the job site. The competent person is responsible for assessing the soil and determining which trench protective system to use and how to use it in order to make the […]

As a contractor, you are well aware of the fact that your workers have rights, and you do everything you can to make sure they are safe, content, and productive on the job. OSHA, the administration responsible for making sure working men and women have access to safe working conditions, has compiled a list of […]

[caption id="attachment_292" align="alignright" width="300"] 50448767 – star of life icon. flat design. isolated.[/caption] Did you know National EMS Week is celebrated every year during the third week of May? Since that’s right around the corner, we wanted to take a moment on our blog and shine a spotlight on EMS practitioners and showcase why they […]

Everyone has heard the phases “shop small” and “shop local” and the concept behind this urging makes total sense. If you are able, isn’t it better to support people that actually live in your community versus a large corporation who might not be able to pinpoint your town on a map? Most people would agree […]

Since we’re in the business of construction safety and support, we tend to get a little excited anytime we see new technology emerge that will help keep people safe while on the job. It seems like every day new technology emerges to help make all of our lives easier, and the construction industry isn’t immune […]

You’ve been doing your job for a while, so it’s safe to say you know exactly what you’re doing and that you would never make a careless mistake on the job site, correct? We hear this all the time, and we know it comes from a good place. After all, no one would ever knowingly […]